Educational Links

There are numerous available educational web sites. Authoritative resources include:

National Institutes of Mental Health: the best available mental health resource.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: the best available resource on alcohol.

National Institute on Drug Abuse: the best available resource on substance abuse.

National Library of Medicine: offers access to the world of medical research literature.

Cochrane Reviews: has extensive authoritative reviews of studies of diagnosis and treatment in medicine, including psychiatry.

American Psychiatric Association Treatment Guidelines: authoritative guidelines to the treatment of a selected number of psychiatric disorders. These are not to be followed slavishly, nor do they include every treatment option. While the A.P.A. is one authoritative source, there are many others, such as textbooks.

Healthy Minds. Healthy Lives: from the American Psychiatric Association, to improve public understanding of mental health issues.

PubMed: to search the vast medical literature on any topic.

PsyBlog: interesting psychological articles about daily life.

NAPS: New Articles and Publications on Sleep: clearinghouse for information on sleep and sleep disorders, abstracted from around the world, sent free weekly to you on topics you select if you register for this service.

Health Care Professionals Live: a beta site containing up-to-date information in all fields of medicine

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